Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

These days...
The farm is full of blooming plants, from the vegetable and annual plants to the wild flowers. Clover, wild daisies, buttercups, indian paintbrush and many more adorn the landscape.
The raspberry bushes are loaded with blossoms and big fat bumble bees.

It is exciting to watch the garden mature. Green tomatoes and peppers are forming, shell pea plants are blooming, vine plants are increasing in size daily along with the potato plants.

We are battling a groundhog who has munched on our pea vines and carrot tops. We have sprayed the pea vines with a hot pepper mix, and that seems to have deterred him for now. We added a small fence around the green bean and carrot bed for added protection, but eventually Mr. Groundhog will have to go.

Our offerings this week are limited as the first spinach crop has bolted. Another crop is just forming leaves, we hope it does not bolt too quickly with the hot weather ahead.
This will be the last week of harvesting the rhubarb, the stems are getting thin and long.

Enjoy the week, I hope it is filled with the colors of nature and good food.

Contact us at verrill@gmail.com

Thursday pick-up at the farm
Friday morning pick-up Record Building Supply
Friday Delivery Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers
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