Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

How Quickly Change Happens
We plant and then await the first harvest of each crop. What I find is that after the third or forth harvest of any singular crop I am quickly over the excitement.

This is true with shell peas, raspberries and blueberries as these crops require harvesting every other day and sometimes daily. On the bright side each crop only overlaps for a short period of time. This week we will be done harvesting shell peas, last week we started picking raspberries, and will begin with the blueberries this week.

I sit here writing this morning looking out over the garden, it is peaceful, the birds are singing and flying about, and there is beautiful color scattered throughout the garden. Pink poppies, white daisies, yellow dill heads, tall striking purple delphinium blooms, new red flowers of the bee-balm, and I could go on but will not.

We hope you are enjoying the summer days and eating lots of fresh foods.

Contact us at verrill@gmail.com

Thursday pick-up at the farm
Friday morning pick-up Record Building Supply
Friday Delivery Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers
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