Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

Sometimes Labels Are Good
Recently we uncovered our row of squash and melon plants, as we were doing this I thought three hills had odd looking leaves. Without taking closer inspection I went to the next task. Thursday I happened by the bed and looked down, saw a cucumber and thought "what is that doing there"? Quickly I realized these were cucumber plants and many had grown big and fat just waiting for me to spot them. The boss is always telling me I should label plants better...maybe next year I will do that.

The blueberries are coming on strong, sweet onions are ready to harvest, zinnia and sunflower plants are blooming, tomatoes are beginning to ripen, celery looks beautiful, and the carrots are sweet and crunchy. 

It is a good time of year to be eating from a Maine garden.

Contact us at verrill@gmail.com

Thursday pick-up at the farm
Friday morning pick-up Record Building Supply
Friday Delivery Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers
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