Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

Summer In A Jar
As I write this we are about to can the first tomatoes of the season. We have fermented some cucumbers that are delicious, and we hope to try fermenting some beets, and green beans. 

We have listed large bag options on cucumbers, beans, and tomatoes for those who would like to preserve them. If you have a preference on the size of the cucumbers please let us know in the notes of your order.

We have new visitors to our garden, they are inspecting our tomato plants to see if they are tasty. Yes, the tomato hornworm is here. We read that they are supposed to glow when a black light is flashed on them, so last night we went out to see if this was true. We found it was no easier to find them with the light then it is to search for them in the day. At least in the daytime you can find them by the scat they produce.

We hope you have a good week filled with fresh foods.

Contact us at verrill@gmail.com

Thursday pick-up at the farm
Friday morning pick-up Record Building Supply
Friday Delivery Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers
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