Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

Kicking Off July
The shell pea vines are in full bloom with some pods now hanging. I do not believe we will have many by the fourth, but hope to be able to have a pod or two just so I can win a family bet.

We will harvest the last Napa Cabbages and Kohlrabi this week. Make sure to try them if you have not. The Kohlrabi makes a great fresh snack just to munch on.

The strawberries are ripening and we were able to harvest fourteen quarts this week. We will offer them on the site but will need a dry spot on Tuesday to pick them. 

Scallions, parsley and garlic scapes will be available this week. Delphiniums, yarrow and dahlia plants are all putting out lovely flowers that will surely make it into the bouquets. Sweet pea vines are growing well and will soon be loaded with fragrant flowers, I expect the hummingbirds will enjoy them as much as we will.

There are small tomatoes and peppers set on the plants, and we pulled a few carrots but they are still too small to harvest. The radishes are growing well, we hope to have some by next week.

It appears the tree swallow and bluebird chicks have all left the houses and moved on. I wonder why they pack up and leave the garden area once the chicks take flight? 

May you enjoy the 4th and all the wonderful foods available locally.
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We are also delivering to Back to Roots in Woodstock, Maine on Thursdays here