Monadnock Menus

Monadnock Menus Newsletter

Many of our vegetable farms are settling in for a few months of rest. While they plan their winter and spring planting we'll regroup and bring on more buyers and sellers.
If you have a question for one of our farms send it along and we will try to answer it.
"Know Your Farmer- Know Your Food"
Support our local farms by registering today to become a buying member!
Monadnock Menus is Temporarily Closed! Due to the low inventory of produce our market will close for the winter months.
Contact us to see how you can become involved with this great program and help fill the truck with local food for our community in 2013!
The many High Tunnels NRCS has funded in our county should help increase the availability of early greens.
If you're a school plan a local food recipe contest, create a Jr. chef contest or just a local foods celebration to coincide with our reopening.
Save The Date! January 29, 2013 we're hosting a Vegetable & Fruit Farmer Food Safety Workshop for our Cheshire County Vegetable & Fruit Farmers from 8:45-12:30 followed by a Monadnock Menus Buyers & Sellers Forum from 12:30-3:00! Register to attend by emailing or calling 603-756-2988 ext. 115.
Feature Sponsor
Neighbor Made
Neighbor Made is our Keene aggregation location for our farmers in the southeast part of our county. They have been wonderful to work with and crucial to the development of this program.