"We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time:How much is enough?"
Wendell Berry
Why buy your food online?
- Free delivery to your home or workplace in Rumford, Woodstock, Milton, Mexico, Dixfield, Peru and Carthage
- Shop when & where it's convenient for you.
- Get fresh, locally-produced food even if you can't make it to the farmers' market in person.
- Support local, small-scale farms raising veggies, herbs, animals & flowers naturally, organically and humanely.
- Know in advance what is available for better menu planning.
- Reduce your carbon footprint & support the local economy by buying locally-grown food.
Thursday - Saturday 11am to 7pm
Sunday 11 am - 5pm
If these hours don't work in your schedule, please contact us to make an appointment!
Annette Marin
855 South Rumford Rd
Rumford, Maine 04276
To Rent an ORGANIC GARDEN SPACE for 2018 growing season - See events and purchase a "ticket" for a space.. or see more information. Spaces are limited and only paid spaces will be held.
For more information on how a cooperative market can benefit you... contact us! 364-6300