Danbury Winter Market

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The Blazing Star Grange #71 of Danbury NH sponsors the Danbury Winter Market to help sustain our local area, strengthen our local economy, maintain our rural landscape thru saving small family farms that preserve our green space.

Today Is Sunday, March 2, 2025
goat products from Offabit Farm

Market Location

Grange Hall, 15 North Road, Danbury NH
a stone's throw from the intersections of routes 4 & 104.

The Regular Danbury Winter Farmers Market held the first Sat of the month, Nov thru May from 9am to noon a blizzard or ice warning postpones the market until the following Saturday.

follow us on Facebook blazingstargrange of Danbury NH

Market Contact Information

Donna Sprague


the Danbury Winter Market will be held every first Saturday through May from 9am to noon. As no one was able to carry on with the responsibilities , we will not have an online market this year. If someone would like to manage the online market and pickup, let us know.

10:30 am--special event to raise funds for the Veteran's Bucks Program.... a cake walk type raffle w

Blazing Star Grange encourages your support of our Danbury Winter Market Vendors. Local farms provide a strong anchor in the security of local food supply and they, along with our artisans, strengthen our regions economy.