Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

What the Future Holds
These days I wonder how farming will change if these long hot dry spells become normal. We cannot water everything, and so our rhubarb, blueberry, and perennial plants are suffering.

The delphiniums are blooming, and we still have peony blossoms for the bouquets. If you have a preference on the main flower in your bouquets put it in the notes.

We have strawberries!
Delivery of strawberries will be prioritized to customers who have been purchasing from us weekly. If there are none listed just add a note to your order requesting strawberries. 1-1/2# bag for $5.75 (equivalent to a quart).

Enjoy the week, and eat well.

Options for getting our products are:
Thursday pick-up at the farm,
at Record Building Supply,
Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers on Friday

The Greenwood market is every week now, we will know after Tuesday if we will have product there.

If these option do not work for you please contact us at verrill@gmail.com
Shopping and Market Links
To shop on line click link
Make sure to log in or create an account to shop.

To find out more about the Greenwood Farmers Market click here