Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

Excited with Reserve
Everyday that you can wake up to explore your own garden and see the small changes of plant growth, flowers coming into bloom, or the first fruits forming lights up a little place in your mind. Gardening allows us to work for personal enjoyment, it also reminds us of life's uncertainties. It can cure a drive for perfectionism and helps us learn that we are not in control.

As the second month of working on the farm arrives, we are in good shape. Lots of seedlings have been planted out into the garden beds: parsley, basil, sage, rosemary, zinnias, onions, delphiniums, statice, cosmos, and snapdragons. We still have more basil, celosia, dahlia, pickling cucumbers, squash and pumpkin seedlings to go in. Planting them this week is the goal.

In the two main hoop houses we have thirty tomato plants, eight slicing cucumber plants, five eggplants, approximately forty-eight pepper plants (no official count done yet) and fourteen celery plants. We also have a bed of about a hundred feet long filled with crucifer plants.

We have planted seeds of shell peas, kale, lettuce, spinach, radishes, carrots, beets, swiss chard, sunflower seeds, and arugula. In the next day or two we need to get the green beans, dry beans and succession crops of spinach, radishes, and lettuce in.

When I review what has been accomplished, I am going to stop kicking myself for what has not been done! Reminder to self...refer back to paragraph one.

This week we begin a new venture of attending the South Paris Farmers Market. It has been nine years since I attended a full time market. I hope you will join us on opening day Thursday 2-6pm. The offerings will be limited, but it will be a good practice drive for myself of packing up supplies, loading and unloading the truck and most of all getting the tent up without too many cuss words.

The greens mix will be heavy with lettuce, and this will be the last week for asparagus.
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We will attend the "South Paris Farmers Market" 2-6 pm Thursday at 9 Market Square at David & Ollie's in the former Bolsters Decorating location.