Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

Looking Forward to Yummy Vegetables
The garden is progressing well, peas are in bloom, beet greens are available, cucumber plants are starting to produce, broccoli plants have heads starting to form, baby carrots should be harvestable soon and both the pepper and tomato plants have small fruits set.

The swiss chard finally decided to start growing so we will have more available this week, the kale is just starting to take off. Very odd year as both of these crops are normally ones that produce early.

Saturday we weed whacked the perimeter of the garden fence inside and out. This helps keep trees, bushes and the black berries from growing up in the fence. While doing this I saw a bullfrog as big as my hand, had not seen one this size for a long time. (It is a different frog in the picture)

Friday was a marathon day of weeding in the garden, mostly just two lower sections that have not been touched this year. The beds are now ready to be worked, one will be planted with tomatillos, basil plants and whatever else we can fit in, the other will be home to some perennials for cut flowers.

TheThos. Moser delivery day is moving to Fridays.

Enjoy the week and eat local.
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2-6 pm Thursday
9 Market Square
Oxford Hills Mercantile (Ollie & David's)

Friday Delivery - Pick Up Before 1:00
Dried Thyme in jars above, tis the season to preserve.