Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

Holding Pattern
The garden is looking good, everything is growing well and developing roots, fruits, crowns, pods, heads and blossoms. The rain we received should help everything progress nicely.

This week we will offer up scallions, summer squash and cucumbers in limited quantities, but will have more than enough before you know it. We have another crop of beet greens to harvest along with the Swiss chard, lettuce, and mixed greens.

The parsley, cilantro, dill, thyme and basil are all producing well, rosemary and sage are a bit slower to grow. We have a beautiful crop of lavender that is ready to start cutting.

This week we plan to work on a bed to plant lettuce seedlings into, and will prepare a bed for more rows of beets, radishes, and carrots. The early plantings of radishes and spinach bolted in the early spring heat, but we keep planting new rows with hopes of a successful harvest. It is late to plant spinach but with these crazy weather patterns you never know if the conditions will be in our favor.

It is still early in the season but we hope that with good weather the garden will explode with lots of wonderful produce. 
Shopping and Market Pickup Locations
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2-6 pm Thursday
9 Market Square
Oxford Hills Mercantile (Ollie & David's)

Friday Delivery - Pick Up Before 1:00

We are now delivering produce to Back to Roots Farm in Woodstock, Maine