Quality Food Sustainable Grown

PeaVee's Delights

PeaVee's Delights Newsletter

Watch Them Go
How quickly the swinging temperatures of the days affect plants. Our basil is looking tired and is not the lush green it once used to be, the celery plants are dwindling with each week, and the eggplants...well they never produced in abundance but now their leaves are turning yellow and it is time to pull them. We will pull them along with the Napoletano basil and the last few tango lettuce heads.

This week we will gather up the remaining onions in the garden to get them dried for winter storage. We will be pulling the Sungold cherry tomato plants as they have very few green tomatoes to ripen. I suspect the Blush will follow next week along with the Sunrise Sauce tomatoes.

A week ago the tomato plants were stripped of most of their leaves and this seems to have helped speed up the ripening process. This week we offer more options of tomatoes for sale. This may be the first year that all of our green tomatoes ripen on the vine, I suspect most will ripen within the next week or two.

We have more carrots and beets growing, the carrots are close but the beets do not show signs of forming yet. Bolero carrots are large for the most part and we will pull them all this week.

Our resident porcupine thinks our garden is just a grazing site for him to amble through nibbling off the tops of carrots, beets and lettuce. We have had to cover many rows with netting to keep him at bay.

That wraps up this week's farm update, we hope you enjoy the week and eat well.
Shopping and Market Pickup Locations
To shop on line click link
Make sure to log in or create an account to shop.

South Paris Farmers' Market
2-6 pm Thursday
9 Market Square
At Oxford Hills Mercantile (Ollie & David's)

Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers
Delivery is Friday please pick up before 1:00pm

Drawing to an End
Three more weeks and the South Paris Farmers Market ends on October 3rd, 2024

At the market you will find vendors who offer leather products, ceramic products, vanilla bean products, mushrooms, quilts, tablecloths, soaps, seasonal table runners and lots more.

These all would make nice holiday gifts and you would be buying Maine made products..