A buyer can visit a market by going directly to that market's URL or searching for the market on the HTM homepage.
A buyer can also search all markets for a particular product. The search results will link you to the market that carries the product.
The market order schedule and pick up or delivery options are shown at the top of the market home page. Click on the market Pick Up Options or Delivery Options for more information.
Shop for local products
The markets operate like most online shopping websites. When you are in a market you can select products to view from the menu on the left. The selected products are then shown in a table.
On the right side of the table of products the order quantity can be entered.
After you enter an order quantity click on "Add to Basket."
When you are finished shopping click on "Proceed to Checkout."
At checkout you will select a Payment method offered by the market and a Delivery or Pick Up option. You can also include a note to your farmer.
To complete your order click on "Place Order." You will receive an email confirmation with a PDF copy of your order attached. The market coordinator and each of the vendors that you ordered from will also receive a copy of your order.
Receive Your Order
Prior to your order pick up or delivery the market will fill your order from the different vendors you ordered from.
Receive your order at the date and time noted, by pick up or delivery, depending on what options your market offers and what option you selected.