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Whitehill Farm Market

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"We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time:How much is enough?"

Wendell Berry

Today Is Monday, July 1, 2024
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Market Location

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Market Hours

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For More Information

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Meet Me at the Market!

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Visit your local Farmers Market Online

Let buyers know about your market here-Such as... To enjoy fresh local food from (Your town) and surrounding areas visit (Your farmers market meeting place) from (Dates) (Day[s] of the week), (time of the market).

What you will find at the market

Give a list of what is available at the market. This could change weekly or seasonally.Such as...The Market will feature fresh local produce, eggs, breads and baked goods, seasonal folk art, crafts, gifts and note cards, jewelry, maple and honey products, jellies, and jams.

Put more details here

Such as...Enjoy weekly music, cooking demonstrations and children's activities.